Before any type of surgery, you need to have some facts
about that. If you already have some knowledge about your disease and its
surgery procedure, you will be more comfortable with the medical terms, your
doctor's opinion, and the supplies you will be going to use. Therefore, you
must grab some facts about your disease and its treatment. Well, the same is
the case with urostomy surgery. Before getting into the urostomy, you should
have some important knowledge about the surgery procedure, treatment, and the
supplies you will going to use for the next few months or more. If you know
everything about your disease and its supplies, you can control the new
lifestyle and will handle the changes coming to you with the medical tools.

Some Basic
Information About the Urostomy Surgery
Well, before going for a urostomy, you must read this blog.
As you must have some basic knowledge if you are about to have the surgery.
Well, below I have mentioned, some necessary facts and information related to
urostomy. Thus, you can know all about the urostomy surgery.
Some Necessary Facts
About the Urinary System
The urinary system belongs to the kidneys. Our kidneys have
two narrow tubes, called ureters, which are responsible for urine or liquid
waste flow out of the body. The ureters collect the urine into the bladder
before excretion. For some time, the bladder stores the urine into it through a
muscle called sphincter muscle. When the sphincter muscle feels convenient, it
allows the bladder to excrete the liquid fluid or urine. Therefore, the flow of
the urine is the job of kidneys, storing is the duty of bladder, and to excrete
it from the human body is the responsibility of sphincter muscle. A person
urinates through a narrow tube called the urethra. After urination, the
sphincter muscle relaxes, and back to its function again.
Urostomy Surgery
When your urine system does not perform well, your doctors
perform urostomy to drain out the urine from the body. A urostomy has created
through surgical methods. In the urostomy, the doctor creates a small opening
into your abdomen wall. The surgeon creates an ileal conduit in the belly for
the drainage of the urine. In the ileal conduit stoma, the doctor redirects the
urine from the bladder to the stoma for excretion.
Usually, when the bladder does not work, or after the
removal of the bladder, the surgeons do the urostomy for the drainage of urine.
After having a urostomy surgery, the urine will not flow out of the urethra.
The urine will only release from the urostomy stoma. As the ileal conduit stoma
or urostomy does not have a sphincter muscle; therefore, you cannot control the
outflow of the urine. Thus, you need to wear a stoma pouch to collect the
Types of Urostomy
There are several methods of urostomy surgery. The kind of surgery
depends on your kidneys and bladder condition. However, the common urostomy
method is the ileal conduit.
Ileal Conduit
The procedure of the ileal conduit urostomy surgery is in
the below points.
First, the surgeon removes the ileum, which is a short part
of the small intestine. The ileum has used as a conduit for urine to flow out
of the human body.
After removing the ileum, the surgeon reconnects the
intestines to continue its function.
After that, your doctor closes one end of the conduit. At
that end of the conduit, the surgeon inserts the ureters tube, which has made
of muscle fiber. The ureter tube transports the urine.
The remaining open end of the conduit faces the belly wall.
This new opening of the conduit is called a stoma in the belly.
Colon Conduit
Colon conduit is almost similar to the ileal conduit.
However, there is only one major difference between the ileal conduit and colon
conduit. The surgeons use a short segment of the large intestine for colon
conduit surgery. Rest, it has the same procedure and purpose.
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